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Wednesday, October 27, 2004 @
9:56 pm Me bored lerhs.. But dun wish to update the 3rdday.. nth interesting.. shoo... go play play first.. next time den update 3rd day... hehe.. did lots of funny name generators.. haha... below are examples.. hehe..
My Japanese name is Arisa Katayanagi. My japanese name is 中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 歩 Ayumi (walk, deeper meaning: walk your own way). My is Princess Diana Taylor. My is Nicolas. My Your Little Pony Name Is is Trixibelle. My I'm a is Small pig. My name should have been what this is Kristie Caitlin Jefferson. My Disney Freak Name is Cinderella. My Poison is brandy Presbyterian. My Pretty Fairy is Purple Iris. My character traits is superficial and articulate , their favorite color is purple. My Blog name is My special place. My Fast Food Name is extra crispy special sauce Bell Grande. My anime qoute is Usagi: I wake up in the morning. The white lace curtains sway in the brezze. The old Coo-Coo Clock tells me its 7 o clock. "Get up or you'll be late" Mama crys out. I nod off thinking...'Give me 3 more minutes' I'm late for school...just like every other day. Teacher makes me stand in the hall. I fail another test. After school I eat crapes with my friends. A dress decorating a show window chatchs my eye. Such things delight my heart (Now the tear jurking part) Its that...That ordinary life I want back...I want it back.(The scence changes and guess what... Usagi is a normal girl again with no memorys of being Sailor Moon. This is the Original Ending for the 1st season that was shown on Japanese TV...not in Amarica). My How Strong is Your will. is 101% will. My nomina Romana is Marcia Epicydilla. ![]() Monday, October 18, 2004 @
4:30 pm okie... let me continue with the second dae... Hmmm... 2nd day... 1st woke up at 4.44am.. Den slp again.. Den wake up again at abt 5.45.. Went to wash up.. Den saw En.. like wan to shower... Den me ask:" U not cold ar? Shower so early?" Well.. She said:" No.. I just can't stand the dirt lo... Yesterday go nature rumble and rafting with using soap to wash myself".. I was like... okie lo... Since she can stand the cold.. Errr... *shivers* haha... Den went back to the bunk.. Me was very sian leh.. Den think about our next acticity.. Damn sian nehx... Rafting.. haix.. den i sit in the bunk waiting for 8am ba (i tink so).. Den went to the Carpark for morning exercise... Den Andrew shouted:"Put ur hands on ur hips!" But he himself put it on his head instead.. Some followed him.. Some gave blur blur de face... but still follow him... I oso give blur blur face den follow him... Den i look around.. My mind was like:" Not hips meh? How come everyone and andrew put on the head?" Haikal den shout:"Is head or hips?" Den he said:" Wah.. u all where ur pants on ur head ar? I tot i said hips? Den everyone laughed... hahahaha... it was really damn funny lo... hahahaha... Den everyone faster change and put their hands on the hips, including me.. hahahaha... really.. very veyr very farnie... hahahahahaha.... Den we started off with warm ups and blah blah blah.. okie.. den we gather at MPH there den talk craps again.. this time.. during the craps session.. adrain go and copy andrew.. He say put our OK hand sign on our chin.. but he put on his cheek instead.. Den everyone follow.. Wah!! Fall into the same trap nehx.. grr... he laughed at us... den everyone laughed... wah! they keep making fun of us.... haix.. lolx.. hahahahaha... okie.. continue...Den after dat.. We go for our breakfast.. Den after dat, We have to go to our respective venues for our own activities.. We go to the sea there.. Den have to tink of how to build a raft.. They tink tink tink and finally... got idea liao.. Den start building and tie ( oh we are given some things to build it.. like dunno wat drum.. inside is compressed air de la.. and oso given forgot how many big long tubes.. and still got 4 wooden sticks.. and lots and lots of ropes.. Den after building have to carry it into the sea.. To carry out the "experiment" And well, it did float.. so girls started to sit on it.. den okie... it still floats.. gd ar.. den later the side where i sit is starting to sink.. den other side float (im not saying its my faualt okie.. im not tat fat)... Den sink liao.. too bad lo.. no time fix it and try again.. so left for mad max...
At the mad max there... we were seperated into 2 grp.. the malay girls 1 grp and the chinese girls 1 grp.. Den malay and chinese boys mixed lo.. Den the other group i dunno wat happen la.. den my grp de is all malay girls.. damn xia suay leh.. i hate those malay girls (except for kalidah.. coz she's the only multi-racial malay girl there.. the chinese wan to work with them they reject leh.. knn! As if we damn stupid liddat.. Especially for 1 girl... i dun wish to mention who.. wah.. her attitude totally sux..! She dun trust the chinese at all.. Pui!) Den bo bian.. have to be with them.. So we go play the giant finger thingy (mad max got 3 stages).. Me and kalidah felt bery useless.. They like no need us liddat.. okie.. no need us den no need us lo.. we stand aside can liao lo.. Den bobby ask me to help.. okiee lo.. do alittle bit.. Den the girls squeeze in again.. Wah.. nth to do again... haix. so me stand aside and watch them play.. somemore hor.. i got nt to do coz hor.. they keep comunicating in malay.. eh? U all bloody hell tink i god ar? Must learn eng and chinese now still have to understand malay? kao! I not Mr Chiang hor.. Idiotic morons..! Forget it.. me continue.. Den me still end up with nth to do.. Den after the giant finger de.. We go play de 1 stink den have to walk together one.. B4 we play.. Bobby gave us a serious talk.. He said dat he was dissapointing in us.. And wan us to refelt on the game we just played.. How well did we perform as a grp? It totally sux i can tell u.. Really lo.. Den we have to seperated again.. Den bobby delibrately choose the grp himself.. To improve our self-esteem for those who ere left out? lol... Den me was the only chinese in my grp.. i just told them dat i will stadn infront.. dat means lead.. I love leading.. Its just either im too lazy or im not given a chance.. Haix.. Den i keep shouting:" left.. right.. left.. right.." My grp actually last de.. but our journey more shorter.. and our problems is only at the begin.. The journey was quite smooth... except for sometimes where we miscommunicated... haha... but still managed to be first.. haha... Bobby promised us dat.. if we win right.. give us prize.. we tried our very best.. haha.. But hor.. Dat idiotic kah shing hor.. dunno do wat.. Made bobby so angry dat he scold him infront of us.. Den prize for us... haix.. Den everone ended up getting scolded.. They other half of baloo heng heng lo.. When they got back.. Bobby not angry liao.. haix.. pathetic us.. kena scolding for nth... gmm.. Den no time for the last stage for mad max so we went on to change into our dry colothes and get ready to gather again at dunno where.. Den go eat lunch.. Lucky hor.. got many grp late for luch... or else we have to sing sch song again... haha... den we eat... haha... while eating, i saw Ch and zi jing coming back.. Very dirty nehx... haha... Just came back from nature rumble worx... haha... den still eating... *gross* haha,,, den after dat is high ropes le... But b4 the rockclimbing.. Our leaders, Mel and Ck, and another person sharon left for the mooncake performance in sch.. So we change leader lo.. Our new leader was Wah and kim... So lets continue my story since i dun like this 2 leaders... first thing go play high ropes again or watever la... first is rockclimbing... Den is the one where walk on thin rope and 4 ropes dangling on top.. I tried it... haha.... Den Later i tried walking on a log.. it was damn high nehx.. Scred the hell out of me.. i dun dare to walk at first.. But still Pull out me courage and walk through... haha... really almost scare me to death le... I came down with my legs trembling... haha... Den ppl say the Log one easier den the rope.. I was the only who said that the log was more sary.. It made me believed that i am afraid of heights... haha.. Den it started raining.. Haix.. So have to find shelter.. We went to one of the bunks to practise our cheers and preparation item for the cheer.. But while practising, We heard mang[another gfp] copy our cheer... grrr.. But nvm.. We cheer first.. So is they copy us.. not we copy them... haha... Den after dat have to go to MPH to collect camp T-shirt.. wah... so nervous and happie... hehe... get camp T-shirt worx... hehe... but before getting the shirts have to Line up in classes... Coz we order as a class ma.. Den Line up in class lo.. Den get le Camp shirt hor.. Go back to Grp again.. haha.. den can go shower or if dun wan to shower just change lo.. Coz compulsary to wear the shirt for camp fire ma.. So Have to change lo.. Me actually wan to shower de.. but our grp de item not ready yet.. so we have to gather earlier to parctise.. den finally.. Everything okie la.. Den go eat... haha.. Later at the campfire part den i tell u abt the item.. hehe... but now... Hungry liao.. have to eat dinner.. But have to sing school song first.. we sing until very soft nehx.. haha... but still managed to pass lo.. hehe.. Den start eating... ahha... Vege is very de shiok ar.. hehe... Den eat finish liao hor.. The highlight of the whole of Sec 3 Advanture Camp [The CAMPFIRE]- Is camp fire time.. Slowly.. Grp by grp go to the campfire dere[dunno wats dat place call la].. And den .. everyone starts to get high.. When everyonewas like shouting, adrain stepped out and calm as down..He briefed aas a little and gave us cheers:" Jurongville oie! [OIE!] Jurongville oie! [OIE] jurongville oie! [SUP SUP OIE!] " haha.. Den he introduce our Emcee.. Ritz... haha... I tink so.. Den he did smth farnie.. I forgot wat le[ i cannot rmb very clearly wat happened during the campfire.. but i will try my best to tell everything i rmb.. I might get the sequence wrong.. Do not have to correct me.. coz i noe i got i wrong.. its just daat i realised it later.. and i lazy to change... so leave it as it is...] Den is time for cheering competition.. Everyone cheered together.. Cannot hear properly nehx.. Den later.. Is the Individual grp competition.. Akela start first to start.. den next is akela... heres the cheer---> Cheerleaders[CL]:" Baloo are u ready? [Ready!] Baloo are u power? [power!] Baloo are u gerek? [gerek sehx!] *licks our finger:"sssssiiiiiii"* 1..2..3.. Inadeh guchi guchi waa waa, waa waa Inadeh guchi guchi wee wee, wee wee Inadeh Guchi guchi Baloo baloo, Baloo guchi guchi gerek gerek seh *licks finger:"ssssiiiiiii" i say baloo u say rocks! baloo [rocks!] baloo [Rocks!] i say baloo u say oh, baloo [Oh!] baloo [oh!] i say baloo u say yay baloo [yay!] baloo [yay!] i say baloo u say [Oh yay!].. Fight, fight, fight like a Champion Win, win, win like a champion Fight like champion, win like a champion, all the rest can go fly kite.. (sang in na nanny poo poo song) Fly kite.. fly kite, all the rest can go fly kite, baloo's gonna win tonite, na nanny poo poo, u cannot beat us.. clap hur!(<-- macho clap)" haha... Den next is blah blah blah.. all other grp de cheers i forgot liao.. hehe.. den is wat ar? oh... Dance.. Den they got the Monkey, Gorilla, Chimpanzee song.. haha... Den have to act like monkey, gorilla and chimpanzee... haha... damn farnie.. hehe.. is blah blah blah.. if forgot liao.. Den until item preparation.. haha... Den start with mang.. they got alittle bit like dance alittle bit like skit... i oso dunno leh.. hee.. Den is kaa... i dunno wat is kaa den preparation... Den i hatti.. I rmb abit dat hatti de grp item very funny... haha.. Den chill.. Their item damn farnie leh.. Is abt hor.. got 1 class hor.. 2 grps of ppl.. 1 is dunno wat man(whole grp is boys).. The other grp is dunno wat girls(all girls).. Den got 1 extra guy (retard).. Our first reaction was... hahahahahaha... Ian Goh!!(but not ian la..) Den the show is hor... this class.. dunno why suddenly went out of class.. Den got 1 murderer on the loose.. And killed every student.. Den when the murderer wanted to attack the retard from his back, The retard suddenly turn around and scare the murderer and he fainted... And so.. The retard survived! hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Made me laugh like hell... hahahaha.... The end of the show... haha... Den later is Banderlog.. Wah... I forgot their item is wat lerhx... Den is Bagheera.. I will nv forget their tiem.. Coz hor.. B4 the camp hor.. we got practise hor.. Den hor.. only canteen got music.. and only can play 1 music at a time.. So Bagheera and Baloo like snatching for the music liddat... haha... okie.. Den hor.. Ian oso from Bagheera.. So i saw him dancing while waiting for our turn for the music.. hahahahahahahaaa... it made me laugh like hell.. hahahahaha... Den ut during the campfire... he nv dance... haha... okie la... hehe... hmm.. den is wat ar? oh ya.. den is Baloo!.. hehe.. We danced... Actually i should stand on the 2nd row... but Melissa dunno the dance well.. So she ask me to exchange her place with me.. wah liews... 1st row nehx... hmm.. Den my partner is the guy who ran round the fire.. dortz... Den i was like standing there feeling damn paiseh.. haix.. okie.. Den after dat wat we did i really forgot le. just all the dances and songs lo.. Den after dat almost the end liao.. We sang auld lang syne.. Wah.. I almost cried nehx.. Now suddenly recall of it.. made feel like crying again... haix.. okie okie.. lets stop this tearie tearie thingy.. Den some went to the canteen for supper.. Den i wan to shower.. But suddenly someone come and tell me dat ch wan to meet me at the canteen at 11... I look at my watch.. Wah! Already 10.55.. lol.. hwo am i supoosed to shower.. Den dunno why... he went to bunk 5 and i saw him.. den tell him dat i have to shower and meet him here(at bunk 5) after i shower lo.. Den me went for my shower.. Hmm.. Den en after my shower.. I go put back my things and look for ch lo.. Haha.. Den i saw en oso there... I very very de happie nehx.. hehe// So we chat chat lo.. Den During the chat i forgot wat happen liao.. I only rmb got lots of disturbance.. haha.. After the talk we went to slp lo.. Coz i very slpy le ma.. after the shower... So slp... until next moring.. hehe... stop here liao.. next time episode 3.. The 3rd day.. Very short though.. hehe.. So very de sorrie for soo soo soo long de update horx... forgive me... hehe... Komanasai. hehe... **all those brackets [ ] are replys for our cheers.. ![]() |