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Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @
3:17 am
sian ar sian ar!!! i really got the very very very very very very very very very very very strong feeling to end my life lar!! wo she me duo bu zhi dao lar! dun ask lar!! fan si ler! tmd!
The Girl!
Priscilla AwYong
twenty eight
sixteen-april-eighty nine
aries Blissfully attached to my boy
♥ My Boy
Family, Friends
Dance, Play, Outings
Pink, Purple, Blue, Green
Hello Kitty, Cute things, Pretty nails
Jon ♥
The Guy!
Jonathan Low
twenty three
first-april-ninety four
aries Blissfully attached to my girl
Beggar for hire
♥ My Girl
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @
3:17 am
sian ar sian ar!!! i really got the very very very very very very very very very very very strong feeling to end my life lar!! wo she me duo bu zhi dao lar! dun ask lar!! fan si ler! tmd!
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