The forums is quite dead over there. So don't bother going there unless.............
you need hints. xD
And I'm stuck at level 39. Help please?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @
6:59 am
Pris' Selfish Thought
I feel trapped, imprisoned and locked in.
I want a place where I can keep myself to myself. I want a place that will not have people on the lights or watch TV when I'm sleeping. I want a place where my alarm to wake myself up will not disturb others who are sleeping. I want an air-condition place where I don't have to off it because of somebody else. I want a place that I can call it a room of my own.
Is that too much to ask for? I guess.
Yes, Pris is feeling emo.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @
10:38 pm
Freaks on MSN
I believe I've added a freak who uses auto reply to talk to people. Why? Look at the follow picture and you'll know.
Click on picture for its original size
I've deleted and blocked this person. Freak!
10:05 pm
My Maple Addiction
Some of my friends have shown their concern about me playing maple again. I'd like to assure you that I won't be addicted as I did before. I'm playing because my boy wants to play, and I'll only log in to maple when he's online (at night). I won't be playing in wee hours because no one is playing at that time, and that my boy needs to wake up early. So my life would still be normal (except that I haven't really slim down). =x
Thanks guys! =D
Saturday, January 02, 2010 @
3:58 pm
Maple Again
Yes, I'm mapling again. Though I won't be continuing my Priest in Aquila, I started anew with my boy in Izar, the relatively new world.
I'm training a priest-to-be(again) and he's training a hermit-to-be. We're both 3x now and we won't stop until we reach 3rd job. xD
So yup, that's all for my update. =)
The Girl!
Priscilla AwYong
twenty eight
sixteen-april-eighty nine
aries Blissfully attached to my boy
♥ My Boy
Family, Friends
Dance, Play, Outings
Pink, Purple, Blue, Green
Hello Kitty, Cute things, Pretty nails
Jon ♥
The Guy!
Jonathan Low
twenty three
first-april-ninety four
aries Blissfully attached to my girl
Beggar for hire
♥ My Girl
Sunday, January 31, 2010 @
2:05 am
Half-bald Pris :O
I'm playing an old online puzzle game, called The Wicked. It's a game that requires or teaches the players~ : (as according to creator, Tay Wei Kiat)
patience. wits. think out of the box. lameness. creativity. human pyscho. stylesheet. programming. paint. photoshop. keen eyesight.
It's quite challenging and slightly addictive. If anyone wants to try, go to the following link.
The forums is quite dead over there. So don't bother going there unless.............
you need hints. xD
And I'm stuck at level 39. Help please?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 @
6:59 am
Pris' Selfish Thought
I feel trapped, imprisoned and locked in.
I want a place where I can keep myself to myself. I want a place that will not have people on the lights or watch TV when I'm sleeping. I want a place where my alarm to wake myself up will not disturb others who are sleeping. I want an air-condition place where I don't have to off it because of somebody else. I want a place that I can call it a room of my own.
Is that too much to ask for? I guess.
Yes, Pris is feeling emo.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 @
10:38 pm
Freaks on MSN
I believe I've added a freak who uses auto reply to talk to people. Why? Look at the follow picture and you'll know.
Click on picture for its original size
I've deleted and blocked this person. Freak!
10:05 pm
My Maple Addiction
Some of my friends have shown their concern about me playing maple again. I'd like to assure you that I won't be addicted as I did before. I'm playing because my boy wants to play, and I'll only log in to maple when he's online (at night). I won't be playing in wee hours because no one is playing at that time, and that my boy needs to wake up early. So my life would still be normal (except that I haven't really slim down). =x
Thanks guys! =D
Saturday, January 02, 2010 @
3:58 pm
Maple Again
Yes, I'm mapling again. Though I won't be continuing my Priest in Aquila, I started anew with my boy in Izar, the relatively new world.
I'm training a priest-to-be(again) and he's training a hermit-to-be. We're both 3x now and we won't stop until we reach 3rd job. xD
So yup, that's all for my update. =)
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